Life is complicated and so is environmental management. My consultancy sits firmly at the interface between economics, policy, and science. I work hard across these disciplines to build understanding and share it clearly and coherently.

As Director of EM Consulting, I have a strong reputation for helping people find a way through complex problems, and making good things happen. For me, success starts by building strong relationships with clever, practical people across a range of skill sets and experiences.

Consultancy Services

I can help you with a broad range of services including:

  • Applying systems thinking to the real-world issues
  • Building economic understanding into policy development
  • In-depth characterisation of district and regional economies
  • Communicating environmental management to general audiences
  • Mentoring your staff or working group through complex issues
  • Leading collaborative research projects
  • Independent peer review of technical reports
  • Robust scoping policy analysis and economic evaluation
  • Guiding socio-economic impact assessments (e.g., section 32 reports)

Work Experience

Undertaking research to characterise Taranaki’s and Marlborough’s economies from a freshwater management perspective. Both research projects have relied on microeconomic and macroeconomic datasets as well as interviews with farmers and growers.

Developed and led a two-year work programme designed to inform Otago Regional Council’s proposed Land and Water Plan. The programme involved running a Technical Advisory Group made up of six primary industry groups as well as working together with Aukaha and Te Ao Marama on the Kai Tahu Economy in Otago.

Initiating the policy and economic work for the setting of environmental limits for fresh water in Southland under the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020.

Designing Southland’s Regional Forum (a collaborative group for freshwater), and being the policy and economic lead for this group.

Leading Local Government New Zealand’s economic impact assessment of Action for Healthy Waterways (part of Central Government’s Essential Freshwater Programme).

Advising Central Government on economic impacts of Action for Healthy Waterways.

Undertaking economic analysis for the Regional Sector Chief Executives on Central Government’s 3 Waters Review.

Leading the Southland Economic Project, which was a 5-year joint venture to develop that produced research on agriculture, forestry, wastewater, stormwater, and local communities. More at

Conceiving and initiating the Land Use Map for Southland in 2014, which is now a valuable tool for managing environmental issues and spatial planning.

Initiating and leading a Working Group on Farm Debt with stakeholders including major banks, agricultural service providers, and industry groups.

Initiating and undertaking primary research into the history of winter grazing in Southland.

Communicating with different audiences on the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi (Te Tiriti o Waitangi) and initiating research into te Ohanga ki Murihiku (the economy of Murihiku).

Advising the Ministry for the Environment on their section 32 guidance and a peer reviewer of their guidance on economic analysis for the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management.

Advising Central Government’s Water Directorate on their economic assessment of the national “bottom-lines” for the NPS-FM 2014.

Developing policy for managing solid waste and land contamination, as well as water shortages and community water supplies.


My past and present clients include:

  • Otago Regional Council
  • Te Ao Marama
  • Aukaha
  • Ministry for the Environment
  • Marlborough District Council
  • Southland District Council
  • Taranaki Regional Council
  • Greater Wellington Regional Council
  • Environment Southland
  • Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Qualifications and Scholarships

Emma Moran

Emma Moran

  • Masters of Applied Science – Ecological Economics (First Class Honours)
  • Awarded The Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) Prize for best Masters Research
  • Bachelor of Resource Studies
  • Doctoral Scholarship, Comalco New Zealand Ltd, Royal Forest and
    Bird Protection Society and New Zealand Department of Conservation
  • Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Scholarship
  • Gordon Williams Scholarship in Ecological Sciences

Main Publications

Moran, E. (Ed.) (2019) Regional Case Studies for Essential Freshwater: Action for Healthy Waterways. Local Government New Zealand: Regional Sector Water Subgroup, Wellington.

Moran, E., Pearson, L., Couldrey, M., and Eyre, K. (2017 updated 2019). The Southland Economic Project: Agriculture and Forestry. Technical Report. Publication no. 2019-04.Environment Southland, Invercargill, New Zealand. 340pp.

Moran, E., McKay D., Bennett, S., West, S., and Wilson, K. (2018). The Southland Economic Project: Urban and Industry. Technical Report. Publication no. 2018-17. Environment Southland, Invercargill, New Zealand. 383pp.

Moran, E., Cullen R., & Hughey, K.F.D (2008) “The costs of single species programmes and the budget constraint”. Pacific Conservation Biology. 14(2), 108-118.

Cullen, R., Moran, E., Hughey, K.F.D. (2005) Measuring the success and cost effectiveness of New Zealand multiple species projects to conservation of threatened species. Ecological Economics. 53, 311-323.

Cullen, R., Hughey, K.F.D., Fairburn, G.A., Moran, E.M. (2005) Economics analyses to aid nature conservation decision-making. Oryx 39(3), 1-8.

Hughey, K.F.D., Cullen, R., & Moran, E. (2003) Integrating economics into priority setting and evaluation of conservation management initiatives. Conservation Biology. 17(1), 12.

Cullen, R., Moran, E., & Hughey, K.F.D. (2002) Evaluation of six multiple-species projects in the conservation of threatened species. Conservation Science Newsletter. 45, 11-13.

Copyright © 2021 Emma Moran – EM Consulting